GT Wedding Car Hire is excited to announce we have teamed with Brides of Adelaide Magazine!!!! keep an eye out for the latest edition of the magazine available in July

GT Wedding car hire would like to let all those who wished to book 15th November 2014 that it has now become available it won’t last long get in early to book and avoid dissapointment !!! please call 0418 460 600 to discuss your requirements

If we’re keeping it all the way real, we worry this is a farce: None of these things will do all that much, except allow us to feel as if we’re doing something, and to feel less complicit when that receiver lays motionless in the middle of the field after being absolutely leveled by a

Thank you!!!!

Thank you for joining us as we began our new life together. Your generosity and thoughtfulness were vey much appreciated, Love Brad and Ellise Saunders 8th February 2014.. There’s a little bit of pressure there. Don’t feel that as if there isn’t. It can be a real tight fit between the lower receiver, the upper

to the team at GT Wedding Car Hire, A big thank you for providing us with 2 great cars for our Wedding in Mannum on the 9th of November 2013. The level of service was more than commendable and the drivers were just lovely. The cars look awsome in our wedding photos. All the best, Karlie and Todd.

New Wedding and Anniversary Photos!!!!!!!!

. 1 billion fantasy sports industryThe fact that a tasteless Asian joke was seamlessly included in a diversity focused night is significant,Lowen Liu writes in Slate.”The Asian jokes were not just a blip in the night. He asked, “How come there’s no Oscar from them very hard working, little yellow people with tiny dongs? You

Congratulations to Lynne and Michael…….

Book Now to avoid dissapointment in 2014 and2015

November 2013 is booked out !!!! October if fast filling up. To avoid dissapointment for 2014 and 2015 book now!!!!! all enqiries please call Andrea 0418 460 600 Looking forward to hearing from you!!!!!

Congratulations Tess and Ian

Happy 50 th Birthday Anna

Gt Wedding Car Hires Latest Formal

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